Bahamas Ultra High Net Worth Individuals

Privacy Policy


The company shall provide the services as specified by you and agreed between us from time to time. Such services may include sourcing accommodation on your behalf, arranging meet and greet service at airports, to prepare and organize your itinerary, to arrange legal and medical consultations if required, to organize a chaperone/guide including an interpreter to accompany you at your appointments and meetings, to provide translation services or any other service agreed between us. We are able to provide “Errand” services e.g. personal shopping, pick-ups and deliveries as well as a flat fee service for house cleaning, dry-cleaning or transportation, which we can provide for an agreed fee.

We shall perform our services and obligations with reasonable skill and care and to a reasonable standard in accordance with recognised standards and codes of practice. Even in well run organisations things can go wrong from time to time. Should you have any concerns please raise them with us and we shall endeavour to use our best efforts to meet your needs and expectations.


The agreement shall continue until the obligations of both parties have been performed or until terminated in accordance with the termination clause below.


Our fees become payable when the quotation is agreed, and the contract is signed.  If you authorise us to pay on your behalf with your credit or debit card, you acknowledge that the relevant card belongs to you and that you are authorised to use it.  The card may be used with your authority to make a reservation.  In the event that you cancel any reservation, and if the event is then cancelled, you authorise us to charge you for any charges or penalties incurred.


If any term or provision of these Terms and Conditions is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction such provision shall be severed and the remainder of the provisions hereof shall continue in full force and effect as if these Terms and Conditions had been agreed with the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision eliminated.


We shall not be liable for any direct loss or damage suffered by you howsoever caused, as a result of any negligence, breach of contract or otherwise in excess of the price of the Services.  We would advise you to ensure that you have appropriate comprehensive travel and medical insurance.   We may be able to arrange this on your behalf.

We shall also not be liable under any circumstances to you or any third party for any indirect or consequential loss of profit, consequential or other economic loss suffered by you howsoever caused, as a result of any negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise.

We aim to provide competent and diligent services to our clients.  Our services include referrals to other businesses and professionals who we consider to have good reputation and are expected to provide quality services.  However, we will not be liable or be responsible for any shortcomings or unsatisfactory service provided by any third party.


Any dispute relating to this agreement or breach thereof shall be mediated initially by a mediator mutually agreed by the parties or in the absence of any such agreement the matter will be submitted to arbitration.

If the matter has not been resolved by mediation procedure within 60 days of the initiation of that procedure, or if any party will not participate in a mediation procedure, the dispute may be referred to arbitration by any party. The seat of the arbitration shall be The Bahamas. The arbitration shall be governed by both the Arbitration Act 1996 and Rules as agreed between the parties. Should the parties be unable to agree on an arbitrator or arbitrators or be unable to agree on the Rules for Arbitration, any party may, upon giving written notice to other parties, apply to the President or the Vice President, for the time being, of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators for the appointment of an Arbitrator or Arbitrators and for any decision on rules that may be necessary.


We shall not be liable where an event occurs which makes the performance of the contract unviable as a result of factors outside our control including an Act of God, civil commotion, riot, trade sanctions, a terrorist attack or Government Legislation.


The interpretation, construction and enforcement of this agreement shall be in accordance with the laws of The Bahamas.


This instrument embodies the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the transactions contemplated herein, and there have been no agreements, representations or warranties between the parties other than those set forth or provided for herein.


This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successor and permitted assigns.


The Contract can be terminated by each party giving 30 days notice in writing.  Where the even or service to be provided is imminent, charges may be made for any expenses incurred.  Any deposit paid will be retained unless the cancellation is instigated by us.


A party to this contract shall not, during or after termination of the contract use or disclose to any other person any information or material which is considered as confidential without the prior consent of the other party.


Each party shall act solely as an independent contractor, and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to give either Party the power or authority to act for, bind, or commit the other party in any way.  Nothing herein shall be construed to create relationship of partners, principal and agent, or joint venture partners between the parties.